Harnessing Legal Guidance and Research Tech to Work Smarter

Lawyers with deep legal knowledge build on their subject matter expertise over time. It’s only after years of serving clients and dealing with complex matters that they acquire their specialised know-how.

But if your firm or legal department is dealing with workload surges, reduced headcount, or pressure to deliver more value, how well is it keeping up? You can’t turn into a practice area expert overnight. However, you can get there sooner by working smarter, not harder.

Leverage knowledge more effectively

To serve your clients with outstanding practice area expertise, you’ll need…

  1. Access to the right tools and virtual libraries,
  2. minimise research errors and time wastage,
  3. then differentiate your offering through expanded knowledge

This resource offers perspectives from Thomson Reuters customers who are tapping into the new Westlaw and Practical Law to improve client service. Gain insights on smarter working via our whitepaper today.

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