A joint whitepaper by Thomson Reuters MENA and Aurifer
The ongoing spread of the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19) throughout the world has not only come at a humanitarian cost, affecting millions of people globally but it has also profoundly impacted economies.
Around the world, where local economies depend on China both as a supplier and customer, businesses are feeling the strain of COVID-19 on their supply chains. The situation is no different for the countries in the Gulf.
In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, the World Trade Organization (WTO) is predicting a 13 to 32% decline for global trade in 2020. As governments across the world provide aids and reliefs to support businesses during these challenging times, businesses are re-strategizing, evaluating their risks and focusing on cash flow to survive.
In collaboration with Aurifer, we are launching a whitepaper as we highlight:
- Current trade environment
- Government initiatives provided to businesses across the GCC to combat the pandemic
- The importance of automation
- Future impact and outlook
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