A new report discusses the evolving attitudes towards the use of generative AI and ChatGPT within law firms, surveying lawyers about the opportunities and potential risks.

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Across conference tables and networking sessions at the recent Lawyers Weekly Boutique Law Summit in Sydney, delegates were abuzz about how to take on the future.

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More and more law firms, tax firms and corporate legal and tax teams are making the decision to have their staff work remotely. They face the challenge of keeping teams connected and work moving forward.

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In order to get from A to B, firms need to embrace fast-track process improvement methodologies. This is an area that is unique to each law firm, of course, because there are so many aspects to consider.

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In recent weeks, the headlines say it all. Law firms are doing everything possible to minimise the economic downturn and the ongoing financial woes created by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Legal experts are warning companies to beef up their cybersecurity defenses as COVID-19 presents new opportunities for fraudulent email, increased phishing and other risks related to the rise of employees working from home.

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